Showing posts with label Rumus VBA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rumus VBA. Show all posts

Saturday, April 4, 2020



Private Sub worksheet_change(ByVal target As Range)
If Not Intersect(target, [H3]) Is Nothing Then
Dim Sum As Integer, i As Integer
Dim F As Range
Dim S As String
S = Range("F6").Value
For i = 1 To Len(S)
Set F = Range("B6:B20").Find(Mid(S, i, 1))
If Not F Is Nothing Then
Sum = Sum + F.Offset(0, 2).Value
End If
Next i
Range("G6").Value = Sum
End If
End Sub


Saturday, March 7, 2020

Cara Mudah Mengubah Rumus Excel menjadi Kode VBA

1.Average cell celection

Sub selection_cell()
Dim data As Range
Set data = Selection
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Application. Average (data)
End sub

2.Average as Range

Sub tes_ Average ()
On Error Resume Next
 Set y = Range("C2")
  Set Data = Range("A2:A20")
  y.Value = Application. Average (Data)
  Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
 End Sub

Sub tes_Index ()
Range(“C2”).formula=”= Average (A2:A20)”
 End Sub

contoh sampel xlsm
Average <!AuCkwAhuhUDhhX9_pZ0NEe5jc7WP?e=Uw2sJq>

3.Sub Total

Sub tes_Subtotal ()
   Set y= Range(“b1”)
  Set x= Range(“a1:a20”)
  y.Formula = "= Subtotal( 109,"& x.Address & ")"
  Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
 End Sub

3.Sub Total selectionCell

Sub selection_cell()
Dim x As Range
Set x = Selection
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Application. Subtotal (109,x)
End sub

4.Aplication Index      
Formula Index dengan Memilih area cell  select

Sub selection_cell()
Dim data As Range
Set data = Selection
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Application.index(data,c2)
End sub

Sub tes_Index()
   Set y = Range("C2")
  Set Data = Range("A2:A20")
  y.Value = Application.Index(Data, 2)
  Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False
 End Sub

Sub tes_Index ()
 End Sub

5         Application Choose    
Menampilkan Hasil Pilihan Berdasarkan Nomor Indeks       

Sub formula_ Choose ()
On Error Resume Next
Set y = Range("d2")
Set Z = Range("C2")
y1 = Range("b2")
y2 = Range("b3")
y3 = Range("b4")
y.Value = Application.Choose(Z, y1, y2, y3)
End Sub

Sub formula_ Choose ()
Range(“C2”).formula=”= Choose(1, "Alan", "Bob", "Carol")”
 End Sub

6         Application  Countblank     
              Mengetahui Jumlah Sel-Sel Kosong Dalam
              Suatu Range Tertentu.

Sub COUNTBLANK_test1()
'Mengetahui Jumlah Sel-Sel Kosong Dalam Suatu Range Tertentu.
Range("D2").Formula = "= COUNTBLANK(A2:B10)"
End Sub

7                     Function  Multy Mode Formula Array

Sheet1.Range("G6").FormulaArray = "=SUMIF(B5:B50,G4,D5:D50)"
Sheet1.Range("G7").FormulaArray = "=g6-g5"
Sheet1.Range("G3").FormulaArray = "=COUNTIF(B5:E50,G4)"
Sheet1.Range("G11").FormulaArray = "=G9-G10"
Sheet1.Range("G4").FormulaArray = "=vLOOKUP(E4,k4:l13,2)"

8         Application Left
Sub Formula_Left1()
'ambil karakter dari depan
Range("D2").Formula = "=LEFT(B2,2)"
 End Sub

9         Application  fungsion Average              
Sub test ()
Set xx = Sheets("sheet1").Range("A1:A10")
ActiveSheet.Range("A1") = Application.average(xx)
End Sub

Sub coba ()
On Error Resume Next
Set xx = Application.InputBox("Select", Type:=8)
‘aplikasi InputBox
    ActiveSheet.Range("A1").Formula = "=average ("& xx.Address & ")"
End Sub

10       Application  Formula If & Sum     

Sub hitung()
[i3].Formula = "=(IF(B3 <0,0,G4))"
[i4:i100].Formula = "=(IF(B4 = 0,0,SUM($G$3:G4)-SUM($H$3:H4)))"
End Sub

Sub reset()
Worksheets("Transaksi").Range("i3:i100").Value = ""
End Sub

Sub hitung()
[m3].Formula = "=(IF(b3 <0,0,K4))"
[m4:M1000].Formula = "=(IF(b4 = 0,0,SUM($K$3:K4)-SUM($L$3:L4)))"
End Sub

11 Application Countif                     
Sub formula_countif ()        
Range("J4") = Application.CountIf(Range("E6:E56"), "L")           
Range("L4") = Application.CountIf(Range("E6:E56"), "P")          
Range("K4") = Application.CountA(Range("d6:d56"))    
end sub         
Sub Function_CountIf ()      
Sheets("Sheet2").Range("B3") = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("Sheet1").Columns(3), "L")    
End Sub         
12       Application Code      
            menghasilkan  No dari sebuah Karakter   
Sub Karakter_number1()    
'menghasilkan  No dari sebuah Karakter  
Range("D2").Formula = "=CODE(C2)"       
End Sub         
13       Application formula Datedif            
Sub test()      
[d3:D32].Formula = "=Datedif(B3,C3,$D$1)"       
[e3:e32].Formula = "=Datedif (B3,C3,$E$1)"        
[f3:f32].Formula = "=Datedif(B3,C3,$F$1)"          
End Sub         
Sub datedif1()          
Range("e3").Formula = "=Datedif (B3,C3,$E$1)" 
End Sub         
14       Application Function Udf     
            Membuat Fungsi Dengan Vba        
Function hitung(a, b, c)       
‘Contoh Rumus  : = hitung(2,3,5)   
hitung = 100 * a + 10 * b + c           
End Function
Function jumlah(a, b, c)       
‘Contoh Rumus = Jumlah (2,3,5)    
Jumlah = 100 + a + 100+ b + c       
End Function
15       Application Index                 
Sub coba()    
[a1].Formula = "=INDEX(B7:G11,1,1)"      
End Sub         
Sub index2() 
With Sheets("SHEET1")       
 Sheets("SHEET2").Range("a1").Value = Application.index(.Range("b7:g11"), .Range("h7"), .Range("i7"))  
End With       
End Sub         
16       Application  OR         
Sub test1()    
Range("c1") = "Gagal"          
Range("d1") = "Lulus"         
'Menghasilkan True Jika Beberapa Argumen Bernilai Benar     
'Dan False Jika Semua Argumen Salah      
'=IF(OR(D8<60,E8<60)," Gagal "," Lulus ")           
Range("F2").Formula = "= IF(OR(B2<60, C2<60, D2<60),$C$1,$D$1)"
  Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False  
End Sub         
Sub test2()    
Range("c1") = "Gagal"          
Range("d1") = "Lulus"         
Range("E2").Formula = "= IF(OR(B2<60, C2<60, D2<60),$C$1,$D$1)"
[E2:E10].Formula = "= IF(OR(B2<60, C2<60, D2<60),$C$1,$D$1)"      
  Application.DisplayFormulaBar = False  
End Sub         
17       Application Match                 
            Function Match  Beda Sheet           
Sub macth_test1()    
'Menemukan urutan data pada tabel         
Range("D2").Formula = "=MATCH(C2,$B$2:$B$10,0)"   
End Sub         
Sub macth_test2()    
'Menemukan urutan data pada tabel         
 [E2:E10].Formula = "=MATCH(C2,$B$2:$B$10,0)"         
End Sub         
18       Application Max        
Sub selection_cell()  
Dim x As Range        
Set x = Selection       
ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1).Value = Application.Max(x)           
End sub         
Sub Maksimal()        
Range("E1").Formula = "=max(a1:d1)"     
End Sub         
19       Application Min         
Sub min_range()       
Set xx= Sheets("sheet1").Range("A1:A10")           
ActiveSheet.Range("A1") = Application.Min(xx)   
End Sub         
20       Application AND       
            Function  Memenuhi syarat beberapa category  
Sub test1()    
Range("c1") = "Lulus"          
Range("d1") = "Gagal"         
'Memenuhi syarat beberapa category       
'Lulus( syarat1, syarat2, syarat3)  
'=IF(AND(B2>7,C2>7, D2>7),"LULUS","GAGAL") 
Range("E2").Formula = "=IF(AND(B2>7,C2>7, D2>7),$C$1,$D$1)"      
End Sub         


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